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go beyond sport

Comprehensive sports events registration solutions

At Go Beyond we have created an on-line registration system easing the burden of fundraiser registration and facilitating a broad range of recruitment options.

This service is available to your charity, club or event today and is capable of being integrated into your own website or social media marketing providing a real time database and significantly reducing the administration burden.

We can link this also to your donation aggregation partner creating a seamless registration process.

Many other charities have successfully used the system (and Go Beyond Events) as part of their fundraising programmes.

For more information please contact Simon Hollis at admin@gobeyondchallenge.co.uk or call on 07989 850170

It is 12/02/25 14:12 and 5o overcast clouds; later Clouds, tomorrow . Wind Direction: NNE 027o, 9 mph. Sunrise: 07:25. Sunset: 17:10
Go Beyond Challenge Ltd. Company No. 06963984